Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"Dr. Wright Breaks It Down for You," Episode Fifteen: How to Deal with Rip Currents

Keeping with our summer theme, Dr. Wright and I navigate the ins and outs (literally!) of rip currents, also called rip tides. Rip currents are insidious, deadly, and clandestine--the similarities to javelinas are not overlooked. Oh no, dear listener! They are not overlooked at all.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

"Dr. Wright Breaks It Down for You," Episode Fourteen: Do Dogs Sweat?

The dog days of summer are upon us, and so Dr. Wright explores an important topic about our favorite canines: how exactly do the poor things keep cool? We discuss werewolves, sweat glands, and the importance of NEVER SHAVING A HUSKY EVER EVER EVER.